Well as it turns out I belong to one of the millions of Facebook groups dedicated to local nostalgia, this one in particular being "You know you grew up in Cary, NC when..." I think there is one of these for every burg or city in the nation. Anyway, this year one member has taken to posting scans of old holiday ads from the Cary News. They are great to see and great nostalgia.
Here are a few samples, all from the early to mid 1960s:

Too bad we didn't have FOX News around then to tell us how awful these seasonal ads were because they didn't all specifically say "Merry Christmas"!
Maybe this is evidence that the War on Christmas started as a small guerrilla action and has taken 50 years to reach the full grown insurgency that we are told is going on now? Or maybe right-wingers just didn't get their panties in a bunch as much back then. Or maybe we just didn't have a provocateur class that profited so much from stirring up culture wars. Anyway these ads are all perfectly charming and nice.
And btw it's also perfectly charming and nice for someone to wish you Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings today as well.